Reflecting on 2022


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Dear 2022, 

This is my letter of goodbye to you. With the year finally ending, I am writing you to say my farewell as I celebrate and reflect on everything I have been through with you.  As a new year approaches and the pages of this chapter end, the lessons you taught me will be forever ingrained within me as I become a better and wiser individual. This year was one of the most difficult years to face. You brought so many beautiful people into my life as I watched them come and go. You showed me new happiness and sadness so I could appreciate life more. I faced new and unexpected challenges as I stumbled through the obstacles you, 2022, have thrown at me. You brought new ideas of inspiration, hope, and the power for me to stay humble and strong. At times, 2022, you pushed me further than I would imagine myself to go. You taught me not to lose sight of my vision even amongst the storms. To keep climbing all the way to the summit without giving up. You reminded me to keep my head up and don’t get comfortable. You made me understand that arriving at the next level will require me to become a whole new version of myself, a valuable lesson I am grateful for as each chapter of our lives needs us to keep evolving. 2022, you knew what needed to be done, and you let the course play out. We both set the stage for the performance of a lifetime. You didn’t need to highlight anything, yet it was obvious now as I reflect on the end of this journey. Thank you for the experiences, the opportunities, and the new vision along the way. You have shown me that 2023 is ready for me, but I need to be prepared to cut out all my bad habits and distractions. You made me face my insecurities and allowed me to understand myself. So, as our time comes to an end 2022, I will carry everything you have taught me and create a better future with this knowledge. Thank you again, 2022. 

“I’ll never regret someone that I had an amazing time and experience with. Even if we fall off. You made my life special at a certain time. We grew together, even if we grew apart. Thank you”

“In order to love who you are, you can’t hate the experiences that shaped you.”

“What if… everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for?”

“Never forget where you’ve been. Never lose sight of where you’re going and never take for granted the people who travel the journey with you.”